Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Solid, Liquid or Gas

Okay kiddies,

It's time for a chemistry quiz. The process is simple. For each of the questions below, decide if the answer is a) solid b) liquid or c) gas.

1. When a three-year old "accidentally" throws a pint-sized bowl of cereal with milk on the floor, the contents that reach the floor are _____________.

2. When said bowl of cereal makes a pit-stop on the booster seat, the contents are __________.

3. When the baby tips over a bottle of apple-prune juice and then wedges it into the gap between himself and the side of the highchair, the contents on the high chair are ____________.

4. Given the same scenario, the contents which have become a part of his new khaki shorts are ________________.

5. Given the same scenario again, the contents which result from ingesting some of the juice before wedging the bottle are ___________.

6. When a three-year old decides to "go potty" on her own and, after several minutes of mysterious quiet, comes back into the room with a sly smile, and upon finding the contents of the bathroom trashcan AND a full-sized bath towel stuffed in the toilet with the rest of her, um, potty doings, the result is a ____________.

7. When all six of the above events happen in one hour, much less one day, the contents of the mother-in-charge's brain are __________________.

The first reader with all seven correct answers is exempt from ever babysitting the Jacob children. Anything less than that and you will be locked in a house with two children with two double ear infections in less than a month which antibiotics won't clear up, no ear plugs, a limited quantity of milk, and a cookie that you must split "exactly" in half to please both children.

Ready, set, go!


Applecart T. said...

it's all a gas to me!

(sorry, couldn't resist.)

sounds like you need to ban all liquids from children's touch.

(wow, kids are creatively messy!)

what's up with the trashcan and towel thing in the toilet?! sounds like a "super nanny" or "nanny 911" scenario, but that just means that's common kid craziness!

Will said...

[quote]Anything less than that and you will be locked in a house with two children with two double ear infections in less than a month which antibiotics won't clear up, no ear plugs, a limited quantity of milk, and a cookie that you must split "exactly" in half to please both children.[/quote]

Yeah, you wish. ;)